Friday, June 25, 2010

Old Carlow Gaol

As you can see from the photo the Old Carlow Gaol is now a shopping centre but still worth a visit if you are interested in the paranormal or old gaols. Just below the dears head you can see the remains of where the gaolers use to hang people, and where all the townsfolk would gather to watch these hanging as if they were watching t.v. This use to be a spectators sports hundreds of people coming to watch somebody get hanged. A woman called Lucy Stle was the last woman to be hanged at Carlow Gaol. As you enter the main door you can see the original walls and stones from the gaol. When you enter the shopping centre the main building is amazing. Right in front of you is the main part of the gaol or the whore house which is now a lovely little restaurant. All around the inside are remnants of the gaol, old stones, windows and even the bars are still on a lot of the windows. There is a roof on the gaol now but years ago it was all open wit5h no roof which would have been a very interesting concept. It is a very small centre but worth the visit. The ghost of Lucy Slye is said to be still roaming this gaol as a few things have happened there throughout the night. Whether it is to be believed or not is entirely up to you. I think it is amazing that a shopping centre can be built into an old gaol but this is proof that it can and all the original work is still there and has not been touched which is brilliant. A well preserved place for many generations to come. If you are down around Carlow drop in and have a look, a fine example of what can be achieved without pulling down our old ruins.This is what should be done instead.

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